...aim buddy icons are found at grr-arghing icons...

6:46 a.m.


ashley . heather. mary. marcella. noel. ruhee. ella. dennis. dylan. matt. pj. olaf. ben. shaz. bob. jorge.

athena. grandma d. grandma k. great mommy. papa. ron. frank. tricia. faith.

cosmo. biff. bruce lee. cierra. crow. pea. sammy. olivia. scully.

colin firth. david duchovney. gillian anderson. daniel radcliff. helen fielding. julia roberts. hugh grant. sean biggerstaff. emma watson. rupert grint. jk rowling. jane austin. jon steawart. david letterman.

mark darcy. dana scully. bob. jorge. bridget jones. ed. sprint pcs guy. harry potter. sirius black. ron. hermione. dogget. president bartlet. cj. joey. phoebe. gilmore girls. jack. karen. will. grace. phil.

tofurkey a year ago. phil. diaryland. tuna helper. exphile. ganache. cake. jabber. aol im. slinky. animal works. cloud comforter. sheep sheets. four inch heels. stretchy pants. comfy shirts. skating pants. rollerblades. skating path. pea coat. scarf. gap gloves. emachine. fountain pen. pencils. paper. lotion. books. brushes. pony tails. xfiles calendar. post-it notes. car keys. gerbs. cell phones. mulder action figure. watches. movies. good movie theater seats. blogs. journals. html. digital camera. walks with the mutt. being bombarded by four dogs happy to see you. calling friends online. tee shirts with sparkles. abercrombie shirt. piglets fly pajamas. pillows. u2. train. cooking shows.

scully. my blanket. winnie-the-pooh. lovings. pischina. mary. heather. matt. ashley. ashley. ashley.

for letting me move in with you. for taking me to carlos o'kelly's. for being patient with grandma k and me. for having such cool pets. for taking me to new york. for letting me in the kitchen. for taking me to hockey games. for maple. for letting me ride the bus. for finally getting a bigger car. for letting me get scully. because athena's awfully cool. for calling me when she came.

for discovering the internet. for making me journal. for writing bout me now and then. for making me learn html. for being vegetarian for a while. for teaching me to cook. for taking me to harry potter. for moving away. for letting me come. for teaching me that computer disks are important. for all the ben n jerry's. for helping me though the move. for all the times you said "you rock". for not yelling as much as you used to. for not getting quite as mad. for not throwing things. for looking up fantasy houses. for buying perfect cars. for making my room so pretty. for not complaining to loudly about my cat's stinky poop. for letting me walk sam at night. for letting me on the computer. for everything.

for always reading. for being here a year. for support and some advise. for buddy lists and pitas. for giving me something to do. for never minding bad entries. for laughing at the good. for random instant messages. for notes and emails.

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