...aim buddy icons are found at grr-arghing icons...

11:24 a.m.

Dear Mr.Snow,

I regret to inform you that you are very tardy. Didn't you get my memo that you were supposed to get here last night, in order to provide a snow day for the children of Columbia Public School?

Didn't you pay any attention at all when mom predicted you would come at 2am this morning? Did you not understand that meant You. Were. Suppose. To. Be. Here.?

I appreciate that you're coming, I really do. It's just that I really would have prefered for this to be my snow day, instead of tommrow.

...We are clear on that aren't we? That you Will snow today and make it so I won't have to go to school tommorw, right? I have things I need to get done Mr. Snow. I have web pages to build, AIM Icons to animate, and people to talk to. I can't get that done durring school, now can I?

Oh... don't look at me like that Mr. Snow. Oh...alright. I forgive you. I know I can be a little impatient sometimes. I'll forgive you, just this once though... I don't want it happning again. I want you here when you're supposed to be. If I get tardies, you get tardies.

Well, I'm glad we got that taken care of. You have a nice rest of the day, and I'll see you later.


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