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8:07 p.m.

Hello. Three Hundredth Entry. It's an awesome feeling to know that I've written three hundred things. They aren't all necessarily wonderful works of art, but that I've put in the effort, time, thought and man-power, it's just niffty.

Lately I haven't feel the need, urge, or any desire to write. I'd like to think that it was because I haven't had anything to write about, but there's always something to write about. I just haven't felt like it, so I haven't.

Lots of small things have been happening though. Culinary Arts I is going splendidly. We've been running a breakfast restaurant for the last three weeks, and it's been going very well. In the group of four I work with I've become the leader, dictating work, answering questions, staying late to make sure everything gets done. Most of the time I like that responsibility. Other times not so much. But I'm learning, and that's the whole point.


Work is still going wonderfully. I really do love what I do, and love where I work. It's funny now to see patterns emerging. This is my favorite.

*the door opens, a customer comes to the counter*

"Hi! Can I help you?"

"Yes...I'm here to pick up a cake."

*my smile gets bigger as I do a little snort to myself*

"What�s your name ma'am?"

"Oh....Regina Blankityblank."

Every single day. Every customer who comes in. "Yes, I'm here to pick up a cake." Half of them then become annoyed when I ask them their name. Never mind the fact that we make the best cakes in town, and usually have to stop taking special orders on the weekend because we have so many to make.

On the average weekend we have at least one wedding, two baby showers, three birthdays, and any other number of miscellaneous cakes. How on earth are we supposed to know which cake is yours?

The other annoying thing is when people start to place their order, and then wander around the store, making the other five customers wait. Not cool.

So there you go. Say who you are when picking up a cake, and don't wander.


I'm still watching my teevee shows. Buffy and Gilmore Girls on Tuesday; a painful hour of Ed and a confusing hour of Wing Wednesday; Friends, Scrubs and Jack Thursdays; and Trading Spaces and Food Network Friday Saturday and Sunday.

Good Eats is our new Food Network show. The host Alton Brown is very cute, and instead of focusing on recipes, he gives you the Why. Which is more valuable than the recipe. I recently bought his book, and have gotten more than my money's worth out of it. Not only is it highly entertaining, I now *get* things. It's a great addition, and I highly recommend it to your cooking library. (I'm Just Here for the Food by Alton Brown.)


Tonight mom colored my hair for me. Very purdy. She also cut quite a bit off. I like it, it's very cute. Ben thinks I look better with long hair. I don't care either way. All I ever did when it was long was put it in a ponytail. Maybe this time. I'll actually do something with it. Here are the pictures though.

Tomorrow night Ameena and I are going to work for Mom's holiday party at the salon. Hopefully we should be busy, and have some fun. If not, we still got out of school early.

So that's it from me. Take care, watch Buffy, see Good Eats, and feed the cat :)

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