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10:53 a.m.

Here I am. Again. Pffft.

Two or three weeks ago, my math teacher called my mother to tell her I wasn't doing so well. Now not so well? About the neighborhood of f-ishnish.

(F-ishnish. That's a fun way to say f. F-ishnish. Kinda takes the sting away. Hmm. Go figure.)

With that f-ishnish in math, and the f-ishnishes in psychology and journalism, I'm in a bigish, deepish, f-ish hole.

Mom then took away teevee, net, phone, and friends. Then after a week of being good and doing homework (not turning in homework was my biggest problem) mom let me have Gilmore Girls and Buffy back. Now I've got full teevee and computer usage on the weekends.

Other than that not much has been hapening in this corner of the world. Culinary Arts class is going very well, I got a 97% on my last really big test in there, only missing two things: the danger zone, which my gut said was 40-140 degrees, and my head said wsa 40-160. I went with my head, but my gut was right. The other question; "What does FIFO mean" I missed completly. As soon as I found out the answer I hit my head because it was a 'duh' question. (The answer was, First In, First Out: the oldest milk which was put in first, is the first milk you use up.)

Work has been going very well, and Sunday night we're having our Christmas party. The only problem so far is I'm not sure what gift to bring. It's supposed to be under eight dollars, and fun. I'm sure I'll think of something.

In other news, Giles had better not be dead. I will not tolerate a First Evil Giles. No siree.

Well I'm off.
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