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Okay. No time to talk. Here's the prolog to my story. Tell me what you think. Whatever.


As she stood at the foot of the mountain she wondered how she had gotten there. All she new, was she suddenly found herself walking out of her bedroom, and she had been walking ever since. She had walked at least fifteen miles by now, and she didn�t want to climb the mountain. But she had no choice, she told herself. She had no reason to go back. As soon as she told herself this, her feet started walking up the mountain.

As soon as she started walking, the tears started coming. With every step a different tear fell, and another memory she wanted to wish away came to her. She wanted to stop walking for awhile, to sit and compose herself, but some how she couldn�t. Something in her told her to keep going. She prayed that when she got to the top there would be people there, people who wouldn�t know who she was.

She had been born in April, and thus her parents named her. April had long pale red hair that fell to her lower back. Most days she wore it down, but on the occasion she would tie it with a ribbon. Her eyes were green, which like her hair, were pale, and when you looked at them, you could tell the hope had long disappeared.

She had never hated her looks, she was slender, and slightly taller than average. April also looked older than her age of nineteen, by about a year or two. Yet unlike many of her age, she didn�t care to lose weight, or color her hair. She was intelligent, but she rarely had the opportunity to show it. And she was fine with that, then.

With each step April took, she got the feeling that this wasn�t an ordinary mountain. However, she couldn�t get beyond that feeling, because every time she came to that conclusion, another memory washed over her. She didn�t know what was causing her to think of them, but she wished it would stop. She was getting weaker from the emotional struggle inside her.

Finally at dusk she collapsed. The birds suddenly stopped singing, and the wind died down instantly. Her breath caught in her throat as her hand fell on the nearest rock as she struggled to stand up. As she pulled her self up, a tear landed on the rock a few inches from her hand. Instantly hand felt warm from the rock, and in that instant her thoughts flashed to her best friend, Amber. Suddenly the wind came up, almost knocking her back to the ground. Then after a second, it died down to a faint breeze. She looked down at the rock. It had gone cold and the tear stain had gone. And she felt lighter, as if a load was taken off her mind, almost as if the memory of Amber had disappeared.

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