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My stepmom is very cool, and with out her, I'd probably end up strangling my dad.

Here's why. (Yeah, I don't know why I felt the need to say here's why, cause I'm not stupid enough to put my stepmom is cool, and then not explain why.)

Last night, I logged off-line by the standard 9pm.(Even though I could have stayed on longer, I didn't because I'm not supposed to, and I like my online privileges. I'm not going to lose them again if I can help it.) So then I went upstairs to get ready for bed. By the time I finish, it's usually about 9:30, so I just dink around my bedroom entertaining myself. So I dinked around, then when dad came in at 11 to tell me to go to bed, I did. But it was 11:45 before I actually got to sleep.

My mind was so awake it wasn't about to turn off. I had my story plots running around my head, Disney World, what it would be like if I met certain people at Disney World, and other useless information running around. So, finally at 11:30 I got up, and went to the kitchen to drink half a can of Dr. Pepper, and retrieve the mail my dad must neglected to give me. I don't know why he didn't give it to me. He gave me my other piece of mail, and I would think he would know his wife doesn't need a catalog with back to school clothes. So after getting the pop and mail, fifteen minutes later I fell asleep.

Now, I had set my alarm for 6:20am this morning because we were going to go horse back riding, and so we were going to leave at 7:30. I was also planing on getting some rollerblading in before we left. However, I woke up at about 4:30am and didn't get back to sleep till 5:30.

My alarm went off at 6:20, and I thought I had pushed the snooze button, but I must have accidentally pushed the alarm reset button, because the next thing I knew my dad was in my door way telling me to get up. I turned to look at my clock and I relised it was 7:20. He then preceded to tell me I didn't need to take a shower.

Now why the hell would I take a shower, if I'm about to get dusty and sweaty from horse back riding, and I only had 10 minutes?

So I threw on some jeans and a shirt, and a pair of matching socks. But I couldn't find my boots. So I was running around the house trying to find them, and going through my clothes making sure they weren't in my closet.

Now, boots are kinda big. They aren�t that easy to miss place. So I figured Dad had maybe moved them. But he had left to go get something. So Christi helps me look. Finally my dad gets back and his first question "did you look in your closet?"

So, we finally establish we don't have time, and I agreee to just use the boots where we ride. (I later remembered much to my disgust, that I left them in the trunk of my grandma's Jeep.)

So we get in the car, and I'm a bit mad at dad for going though my dirty clothes with out me there looking for my boots. Now, I don't keep drugs or guns in my closets, but some how, I just don�t like my dad, or any other person for that matter, going though my laundry, and finding my dirty bras and such. I doubt anyone likes that. Especially after I already looked thought it twice.

So, I start out the day annoyed at him. So we get in the car, and there is tension in the air. As we pull out of the driveway, he asked Christi if she got the sunscreen. (At this point I should add my dad is partly bald, and keeps his head closely shaved, so it can burn easily.) She said no because she had already put it on. My dad replied angrily, "Well why didn't you stop to think if I would need any?" So we pull back up, he gets out all mad and stuff, and slams the door. Christi then part yells at him from the inside, "What am I supposed to do? Fucking baby you?" Major points to Christi for this.

He gets back in, and they part argue. At this point I have my head phones on, so I can't really hear. But then I realize that dad is eating something. When he left after waking me, he had gone to McDonald's and gotten a sausage biscuit.

I can't describe how much this just pissed me off. He knows I like sausage biscuits. He knew I would be rushed for time. So he got himself a gad damned biscuit, while I ate cereal in the back of his car.

So I'm sitting there trying not to appear pissed off. SO I concentrated on trying to read the book he had giving me the night before. He claimed it was one of the best books he's read, and that it was a suspense/thriller. (I have yet to be in suspense, and it isn't very thrilling, and I doubt I'll read it again.) But any thoughts couldn't help thinking, what if he only gave me this book so he wouldn't have to spend more money on books for me. I mean just the other week he made me feel like total shit for asking him if he would buy me a five dollar book.

Then my mind drifted to the previous afternoon when I asked him if he could give me some money for Disney World. From the look on his face you would think I was some beggar on the street. Then he asked how much, and I said even if it was just $50 that'd be okay. He sighed this real deep sigh and said he guessed so. Then he went on to tell me he wanted me to start mowing the back yard once a week. But, I decided it would be good for me not to argue, so I didn't.

So, by the time we arrived at the horse place, I was thoroughly pissed off at dad.

Then, dad rode in front of Christi, and I rode behind Christi. And, I should add, dad thinks he knows everything about horses, and that he's mister cool, and you'd better not give him advise cause he already knows it. So, when the girl in front of dad would just stop with no warning, Christi's horse would run in to his, and he'd yell at her to get control of her horse, cause it was pissing his horse off. I on the other hand, was making it my mission to stay a couple feet back away from Christi's horse, cause I knew my horse and her's didn't get along. Yet still I ran into her once or twice.

So in the car back, Christi was yelling at dad to stop yelling at her because it wasn't her fault, and that he was running into the other girl's horse just as much as Christi had run into dad. This sent dad into a sulk. So, I was starting to like Christi more and more.

So, basically, that's why Christi's cool, because she can put dad in her place, and she reminds him that I'm there and that I might need stuff. Like last night they went to work with their horses at 6:30, and they got back at 8, and Christi goes... "You haven't feed your daughter yet?"

Christi really is cool.

And I am still pissed at my dad, but it gets less so as the day goes on. I know he really can't help it, but still.


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