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11:17 a.m.

"First of all, the young actors are terrific. And the actor who deserves the most adulation for character portrayal goes to Alan Rickman for Professor Snape. There's no doubt about it, he was BORN to play the part. Honestly, it is almost haunting how he can play the character so well. I was honestly creped. At first I thought he was Voldemort (keep in mind, I hadn't read the book yet), because he seemed so evil."
- Entertainment-Rewired

Myself, like Ashley check The Leaky Cauldron about every 15 minutes to make sure there's no new Harry News. It's probably an unhealthy thing, but it's what I do. First I check the Cauldron, then MuggleNet, and finally DarkMark the site that I work on. Currently my role there is a bit unclear, most of my time is spent complaining to Noel about how my computer ate my latest buddy icon. I have one icon I'm working on that says, "Ron and Hermione k-i-s-s-i-n-g". I'm also sad to admit, I've been working on my own Harry Potter movie trailer. Pathetic yes, but I need something to occupy my time. Right? And making trailers for films is artistic right? Therefore it's got to be better than watching TV for film trailers. Right. See�� Harry Potter's been good for me.

Well... Never mind.

I posted the above quote for Pure-Milk my latest favorite read. She's simply wild over Alan Rickman, and I have to say he is perfect for Snape. When I first saw his picture, I knew it was perfect. I believe that JK even submitted his name for Snape when the casting people asked for people she'd like in the movie. A perfect match.

Anyway. Here is the link to the third and final Harry Potter trailer. Personally it's my favorite, as it has great lines from Hermione and Ron, and Professor McGonagall's transformation scene. Lovley.

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