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12:51 p.m.

I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. This can hardly be counted as an entry, but I had to do something you see. This is more of a public service announcement.

Please...PLEASE only use the term "The Harry Potter Lady" when feeling affectionate, loving, and misty-eyed. If you care enough about Harry to write, "those books are hot" and "Don't Diss Harry Potter until you've sat down and read all 4 books in a week!" please take the time to write "J.K. Rowling" and not "The Harry Potter Lady". Ms. Rowling deserves the utmost respect, and reverence.

Thank you. This has been a public service announcement, brought to you by me.

*This Just In!* It has come to my attention that at least one diarylander is slightly confused. In fact it was not a GUY who wrote Harry Potter 3 (also known as The Prisoner of Azkaban) but it was a GIRL. (Note the Ms.)

We realize that J.K. Rowling seems like it may be a man's name, (that was the publishers goal by putting initials) but it is not! Thank you again for your time.

*Urgent!* List of names by which diarylanders call Ms. Rowling.

That Harry Potter Chick
That Guy That Wrote Harry Potter Part 3
The Harry Potter Lady
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