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8:42 p.m.

Earlier, while surfing various journals, I became envious of all the quiz results people were posting. Such, I'm posting the results of my most coveted quiz results: The Spinster Test.

For a copy of The Spinster Test, please email me at mariel@diaryland.com.

I can't say I'm terribly surprised with the results, although I am rather disturbed by providing the pigeons of the world with a free meal.

Things here have been good, other than the occasional Bridget-like standing up of guys coming over to watch Bridget. Okay. Make that one guy.

And, in taking after that one guy, I'm holding a contest. Who ever can write the best journal entry in character, will get a prize of some sort. Don't know what it'll be, but by golly, you'll get one.

Here are the rules:

1. You must be in character. This means you can write an entry as A.) A movie person. B.) An actor. C.) Book character.

2. I (and the rest of the world) must somehow know what character you are.

3. Once your entry's up, email me, or drop a note in the guestbook saying who you are, and where I can find your entry.

Note: This Judge is open to all forms of bribery, and would *really* like to see someone take on an entry as Bridget. Also, if only one person enters, they get the prize. Why? Because I'm only doing this for my entertainment, and because I umm. Well, that's really the only reason why. I'm making this up as I go. (Oh! Another idea for an entry is to write like you're Oprah dealing with David Letterman's Oprah log!)

I hope everyone had a good week. I hope everyone has a good week. I hope everyone likes my new layout. I like my knickers. V. Good. Also admire and notice my lovely new fanlisting buttons. They amused me at least :)


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