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4:44 p.m.

It's great to have friends on diaryland. It's great to have friends online in general. But what's even better is to have friends on diaryland in the same town as you. And if you can get in the same zip code, that's even better.

Yup. I'm talkin 'bout pj aka jp aka jon-paul aka mychai aka boxer-boy aka fellow Survivor contestant.

Wow. That's a lot of aka's. Way to go. I've only got three aka's. Bravo!

See, with pj's help, I'm getting a new super-duper Diaryland SuperGold membership. More image space, comments, and fresh diaryland email.

It's pretty niffty.

But I can't get this stuff with out a credit card, so pj's helping me out. Granted, I'm paying him back in cold hard cash, I made him a banner, and I made him pizzas which he never showed up to eat. Not that I hold that last one against him. Just, you know.

It's great because every time I go rollerblading I skate by his house. I know where he lives. If I ever decided to start stalking the DS3 contestants, I'd be really easy to get to my first victim. Not of course that I'm going to start stalking all the contestants. Or any for that matter. But if I wanted to, I could.

On the other hand, he knows where I live, and that my dog is a big fraidy cat. Luckily I have Olivia, who could Buffy his (or anyone else's) butt into the next century.

So there you have it. Pj's uber cool, and that's that.

(Note: Don't go getting your panties in a mess. I was a good girl and only met him after mom met him. We call him pj instead of the usual jp because we like the sound of pj better. Thankyou!)

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