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5:13 p.m.

Great. My entry is gone. Poof. Just like that. Here's my much shorter, condenced entry.

Dad and/or Christi: I know you're here. I see you visit my page. I know how long you're here and that you aren't just scaning for your names. So please, just leave a message. Anything will do. A 'Megan your journal stinks' or 'Good luck with Survivor' will suffice.

But I do see you, I do know you're here.

Matt: You watch Food TV, you love your cats, you're incredibly smart, you're funny, there's nothing better in the world than making you laugh, you speak Megan, you're cute, you don't go on and on about sex and blow jobs like Ben, you understand obessions, and you aren't smug or full of yourself.

And knowing all this first hand, makes me doubt the fact that you think no one in NC likes you. That just cannot be true. Everytime you even talk about your friends who are girls, I want to break their arms off because they're there and I'm here.

Heather: I suggest once I get a car, I come and pick you, mary, and ashley up, and we can go be bad girls for a week.

Everyone else: I'm going to go to the store, buy a pizza, eat it all, then eat my pint of ben n jerrys. By the time I'm finished with it I will feel fat, ugly, and like a loser. But I'm going to do it because I can, and that's what I do when things go bad. I eat.

Have a nice day.

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