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5:54 p.m.

NO baby curls. NO. Bad bad bad.

Last night went very well. I made dinner for mom and I, and I have to say it turned out very well. Everything except the pine nuts came out perfectly, something that hasn't happened in quite a while. We sat down and watched 'When She Was Bad' and then 'School Hard' because I needed my Spike. After that mom went to bed, and I camped out to watch 'Halloween', because everything about that episode makes me laugh.

I woke up this morning around ten, feeling happy and good, made a smoothie for mom and I, and then camped out again to watch 'Becoming Part 2', because of the Buffy/Angel goodness.

I eventually wandered off to work, where I spent the time in the back, doing my thing.

And now I'm home. I've got some ham and potatoes from work, and I'm going to sit and watch some more Buffster.

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